Flaming Fucia


Tiger Tail
Ballistic Blue
Renegade Red
Flaming Fucia
Grenade Green
Pitch Black



Flaming Fucia is a propellant combination.  It is a direct descendant of BSAF Blue, with the addition of Strontium Nitrate to slow it down and make it red, like Renegade Red.  The blue and red produce a hot pink color, aptly named Flaming Fucia.  Actually RR02 was the first test of this formula.  FF01-SU was my first single use motor, and worked perfectly.
Motor Propellant Mass Nozzle Throat / Initial Kn Slug Size / Core Diameter Total Impulse Burn Time / Burn Rate Designation
FF01-SU 800g 0.59 Medusa


14" Monolithic


1650ns 4.0sec / K405
FF02 3000g 0.810 / 200 (6) 4.3" / 1.0in 6200ns 2.4 sec M2700



Home | Tiger Tail | Ballistic Blue | Renegade Red | Flaming Fucia | Grenade Green | Pitch Black


This site was last updated 12/04/01