Ballistic Blue


Tiger Tail
Ballistic Blue
Renegade Red
Flaming Fucia
Grenade Green
Pitch Black



Ballistic Blue was the second propellant used by OPL.  It was derived from a propellant from Ted Proseus.  This propellant is quite fast, and has a light blue flame and a little smoke.  The BSAF formula uses magnesium instead of Aluminum.  This produces a brighter flame with less smoke. 


Motor Propellant Mass Nozzle Throat / Initial Kn Slug Size / Core Diameter Total Impulse Burn Time / Burn Rate Designation
BB01 1150g 0.510 / 200 (2) 5" / 0.625 2500ns 4.1s K600
BB02 - Fast 1150g 0.510 / 200 (2) 5" / 0.625 2500ns CATO CATO
BB03 - BSAF 2900g 1.25 / 145 (2) 5" / 1.3in

(8) 2.5" 1.3in

6200ns 1.8s M3450
BB04 - BSAF 1800g 0.875 / 134 (2) 5" / 1.0 in

(2) 2.5" /1.0 in

3600ns 3.75s L960
BB05 - B22 1200g 0.595 / 180 (2) 5" / 0.833 2580ns 3.25 L800
BB06 - Aqua 4000g 0.945 / 240-290 (8) 4.75 / 1.1in 8000ns 3.0s M2666



Home | Tiger Tail | Ballistic Blue | Renegade Red | Flaming Fucia | Grenade Green | Pitch Black


This site was last updated 02/27/02