10/22/02 |
I started this site to document, mostly for myself, the experimental motors
that I have built and tested.
My interest in building my own motors flourished when I started buying big motors and realized how expensive they were. Then I found out how cheaply they could be made. After some dismal tries with Ammonium Nitrate motors, I finally talked to Ted Proseus about his AP motors. A few weeks later, and I was down there casting grains. Alot of people have helped me out: Ted Proseus - The guy who got me going. The guy I brainstorm with. He puts up with my 10 calls a day. Jeff Taylor - Makes absolutely fantastic snap ring cases. No more Kosdon for me! Sean McAndrew - Set me up with some great formulations. If Sean had the chance, he could do this professionally. Marty Wright - My dad....and a polymer chemist. Not a bad contact to have! He is the buffer between my gray area hobbies and my mother, the eternal worrywart. John Gustavsen - Another mad scientist. He is my rubber ball...I bounce EVERYTHING off his brain. Erik Hall - My partner of Ozark Aerospace. He makes all the electronic doohickeys run properly. Another rubber ball for my wild ideas. The guys on AROCKET list. Man are you a bunch of smart geeks. Heheh. Me too.
So how does one make a motor?
First, a few basic terms: "Kn" - This is super important. It is the ratio of the burn area to the nozzle area. If your Kn is too low for a certain propellant, it will never come up to pressure. If it is too high, the motor will keep accelerating the burn and eventually overpressurize and CATO. "Web" - The measurement from the edge of the core to the edge of the propellant. "Burn Rate" - The rate at which the motor burns. This is measured generally by taking (web / burn time). "Grain Type" - What the geometry of the propellant is. Most of my motors are Bates Grains. "Solids Loading" - The % of metal / oxidizer to binder / curative.
Secondly, some equipment: 1. Plastic spoons and cups - Buy them by the millions 2. Tongue Depressors - Work great for scraping. A billion would be a good number. 3. Aluminum Bowls - For mixing. 4. Wooden spoons - again for mixing unless you can afford a.... 5. Kitchen Aid mixer - Nice to have. 6. A good scale. I use and Acculab VIR-2400. I could not live without a Tare function, but a triple beam may work ok. 7. Proper liners and casting tubes. 8. Chemicals - More on this later.
So, what goes into a motor? An AP motor is basically 2 things. Fuel, and an oxidizer. The motors I make use Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) as the oxidizer, and the binder, HTPB, as the fuel. Thsoe 2 things together will burn very nicely. To make the propellant do different things, we add different chemicals to the mix. My basic propellant, Tiger Tail, is a formulation made up by Ted Proseus. It consists of: Per 100 grams: HTPB R45-M 18.6g ISP: about 185 (1.79 NS/g)
That's it!
This site was last updated 11/02/01